Deposit Bribes

The bribes mechanism allows any user to use any ERC20 token 'bribe' veLE holders to incentivize them to vote for a specific gauge, with the goal of increasing its emissions. Bribes can be deposited during each epoch and will be valid for the subsequent epoch. Each epoch lasts for 7 days, starting at 00:00:00 UTC every Thursday.

Example: -Collection A wants to increase liquidity in one of their pools. Currently, we are in epoch 7.

-The Collection A team deposits a bribe in the pool's gauge, which will be available for claiming once epoch 8 begins.

-If there are no veLE votes in epoch 8, the Collection A team can salvage their rewards by withdrawing them without any penalties.

-However, if there is at least one vote for the pool's gauge, the bribes will be distributed to each voter based on their vote weight.

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