Stake in a Trading Gauge & Earn Rewards

Navigate to and click on the 'Gauge' that corresponds to the pool in which you'd like to stake your LP.

Stake LP

On the pool's gauge page, click the 'Stake in Gauge' button and choose an LP to stake.

Your staked LP and its gauge value will now appear on the gauge page. You will also be able to check the boost you get from locking LE and your Maturity Multiplier (🕚 Multiplier).

Claim Gauge Rewards

To claim the gauge rewards, simply click the 'Claim' button and confirm the transaction in your wallet. The LE rewards will become available after the transaction is confirmed.

Unstake LP

To unstake an LP position, start by clicking on the LP position. Here, you will find an 'Unstake LP' button. Click it and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated